After departing from the road, we provide delivery within an average of 7 days for full shipments. For partial shipments, delivery times vary between 7 and 9 days depending on the region in Poland.
If transportation is to be carried out from Turkey to Poland, the route is as follows: Turkey => Bulgaria => Serbia => Hungary => Slovakia => Poland.
The partial shipping prices to Poland start from 180 Euros. Prices vary based on the quantity and dimensions of the cargo you will send. The most significant advantage of partial shipping is that you can easily send small quantities of your cargo. We can provide departures for your full shipments every day of the week. Please contact us for information regarding the departure days of our other transportation services.
In shipments to be exported from Turkey or in cargoes coming from Poland, several documents are required. The export and import documents for Poland are as follows:
Invoice: Used internationally, it can be described as an English invoice issued by the exporter.
Packing List: A list detailing the products and items in terms of volume, weight, and cubic meters. Presented in English by the exporter.
ATR or Certificate of Origin: A document indicating the country of origin for the product or item. Additionally, the ATR certificate provides a tax reduction between Europe and Turkey.
The necessary documents for shipments to Poland are as mentioned above and are generally essential. Therefore, as Vita Logistics, we are a company that possesses all the required documents. Thus, we conduct the transportation to Poland in compliance with regulations, utilizing the necessary documentation.
Warsaw (Varşova) | Poznań Gdańsk
Krakow Szczecin | Lublin
Katowice | Olsztyn Kielce Gdynia
Łódź | Opole Krasno Pila | Wrocław Toruń Wrocław | Rzeszów Bydgoszcz
Our Partial Departure Days are Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Additionally, we arrange partial departures on other days based on cargo availability.